Aah yes, the episode right after Theodore 'Dr. Suess' Geisel died...Rev. Jesse Jackson reading Green Eggs and Ham "Ah wihl noht eat them ohn a boaht! I WILL noht eaht theahm with a goat!". Michael Jordan was the guest star and he just about died laughing doing Stuart Smalley, saying "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and people _like_ me!"

Aah those were the days. Of course my memory is aided by the sweet sweet aura of the frat house room and that crappy old orange recliner that was perhaps the most comforable chair ever and the wonderful haze of being 20. Aaah.

[now]Actually I think this week's show was rather amusing. Not the funniest thing ever, but it made me chuckle a few times. I guess I'm easy to please these days.
