You mean the days when she's not around? [/kidding!]

Seriously, while there's certainly more room for understanding on issues such as mental health and depression etc... the level of victimhood is disgusting. I guess there's no shortage of people who can't make it past the mindset of being 12 and who will blame their situation on any number of outside factors and disempower themselves (ehem, CONGRESS during the war vote!). Really, where were the questions about intelligence then? It's one thing for Joe 6-pack to say 'Well, if he's got the intel, I guess it must be so..', and quite another for senior senators to shrug and say 'Gee, really?' without questioning sources. While I support Kerry, all the Democrats share a healthy piece of my blame pie for not piping up and just getting steamrolled by the NeoCons.

Ok. 'Nuff ranting for the day! Miss whatserface is a twit and I'm glad she got creamed for lip syncing.

I'm out.
