You've spent a chunk of time there [California]. How bad was that aspect of your visit?

Putting aside the rather different point I was trying to make, I've been to several "smoke free" places including California, NY, Dublin and others.

The semi-counter-culture that inevitably forms on the streets outside of drinking establishments can be interesting, but then, I always found the most interesting conversations were to be had with folks on their smoke break. The clean air in restaurants is pretty enjoyable, although I don't remember being in a really smokey restaurant for many years, even with no ban in place. There seems to be a tangible negative impact on the atmosphere in clubs, especially more underground genres where the smoking ban clashes bizarrely with the general culture. Those gigs feel neutered although I doubt that is just down to non smoking.

Incidentally, this viewpoint represents a 180 degree change of opinion for me. Until a few years ago I was an outspoken critic of smoking, smokers and smokey places. Since then I've found, as contradictory as it may sound, that many of my friends who smoke are also the people that are most fully living their lives. Perhaps they are more aware of their own mortality. It's a little tragic really.
