I have to agree, Rob. I find the people in the smoking area at any business are often not only some of the most interesting people, but very likely the most well informed in regards to what is going on at said business. I quit smoking in October of 2003 after 17 years. I have no real desire to smoke anymore, but I don't really mind being around smokers. In a way, I kind of even like the smell, at least until I smell it on my clothes afterwards.

That said, I think the rabid non-smokers should take a minute to consider their complaints. Cigarette smoke, as Laura said, is not the worst thing out there. You say you don't have a choice as to whether or not you breathe cigarette smoke? Well I (and everyone else) don't have the option of not breathing the fumes from your SUV. Or from the tractor trailer rolling down the street belching fumes. Of from the factories. Or..

Uh, feel free to continue ad nauseum with nasty polluting things.

My point is that it seems to be human nature to eradicate that which you do not understand, that which you do not appreciate. I think cigarette smoking is the same. If you don't like smoking, don't do it. If someone is smoking near you, ask them to stop; you may be pleasantly suprised at how many will apologize and move on or extinguish it. If you don't like the fact that an establishment allows smoking, vote with your wallet.