How to begin?

Regarding support:The plan is for the current staff to continue supporting the car player. So that shouldn't change.

Regarding S3 supporting "old product": The currently-shipping car player will be (as far as I know) the same product as S3 will ship. The difference will be a different logo sticker on top of the unit and a different bootup logo.

Regarding the up-to-date website information: They've been busy preparing for CES as well as handling the change-over. I get the feeling there will be a website update after they get back from CES. But hey, not everyone is good about updating their home pages. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Regarding price: Every high-tech purchase comes with the guarantee that the same or better product will soon be available for a lower price. It doesn't matter whether you're buying a computer, a DVD player, or the best in-car digital music player in the world-- there is always the knowledge that technology prices will drop. The question you have to ask yourself is: Will I enjoy my new toy now if I buy it now?

Perhaps this post and others in the same thread will help you off that particular fence.

Regarding disk size: Assuming you get a single-drive model, you could wait to upgrade that second slot. I have to say, though, that even 6 gigs is great. If you want to put every single album you own onto the player, then make sure to get a bigger drive. But I've been finding lately that I've been deleting certain songs and albums (after having the empeg repeat them to me enough times to be sure I really do dislike them), so I've got more space than I previously thought I would.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris