Everything I have seen says 1280x720p is a valid HDTV resolution, and is sometimes preferred to 1920x1080i due to motion issues with interlacing. The problem is noone is fully behind either resolution. ABC and FOX support 720p, while NBC and CBS support 1080i.

One other benefit I see of going with a 720p display now. I plan on running a computer off the set and will probably play a decent amount of games on it. 1280x720 can be hit easially by most games on middle of the road video cards.

I figure down the road I can look at upgrading to a true 1080p TV if such content starts coming online. But in any case, 720p will be a decent upgrade above my current viewing experience.

Bulb wise, the Samsung above claims 8000 hours of use, or about a full years worth if I left it on 24/7. Bulbs are $180ish now, and will probably drop in the future. I'm pondering getting the Best Buy coverage plan on the unit, as that would even cover the bulbs.