Boy, I do wish Plazma had the legs to out last all the others.

Three big issues I have with any plasma display:

[blah blah blah]

3. Afraid of heights. Most plasmas still do not work well at high altitudes. The problem is painfully obvious in any consumer store here in Colorado. Walk into the plasma section, turn down any noise in the area, and you get a not so plesant buzz. Put one of those units in a house, and you have a buzz that cannot be covered up without raising sound volume of the content to police attracting levels. Why retailers even bother stocking plasma units with this problem here is beyond me, since almost all get returned when the issue starts up after a few days of operation.

Just ran across your comment after visiting a SoundTrack store last night (ostensibly, to check out the newest 3-LCD rear proj. HDTVs) , and boy did those plasma sets buzz like S.A. killer bees!

Now I've just got to decide between LCD & DLP technologies....
-- DLF