Mario Kart is still 4 player on one console using split screen
Yeah, I think I figured that one out 
I'm certain that the multiplayer Zelda game and the few other games that support it are just fine, but it creates more problems than it's worth. For one, I am the only person I know that owns a GBA, let alone someone my age. This creates the dilemma that I must find three other people to come over regularly, and only three other people, because who wants to play only part of an adventure game. It also means that, despite the fact that I would have paid immediately for a good single player version of Four Swords (hello, it looks like Link to the Past! I'm in heaven!), having played it it did not feel fun to play on my own.
The multiple consoles thing was just an addtion to the complaint. I shouldn't have made it seem like my main point or anything. Besides, I heard there are ways to even fool the Gamecube into playing Mario Kart online. I've never tried that, though.