On the other hand, is this really something that you control on your TV and not on your HD receiver?

I can control it on both. The TV is set to "Wide TV" for the HDMI input where the Voom box is, and the Voom box has a setting screen that asks how to treat 4:3 and 16:9 content. Both are set to "Preserve aspect ratio" and the system knows it is outputting the signal to a 16:9 TV due to a setting elsewhere.

The TV allows several settings on each input. Wide TV, Wide PC (it stops overscanning to fit the full 1280x720 on screen), 4:3, Stretch, Zoom mode 1 and 2 (with adjustments where it zooms) and Panorama stretching, where the outer edges are stretched more then the inner ones. Depending on what signal it is getting, some of these modes are not available at the time.