Typical academic CV, written with a template generator, where the object of the game is to "collect the most toys". My Dad's CV actually looks a lot better than this, but he wasn't a government advisor/staffer, in spite of being a Fellow of a number of learned societies(earned academically, rather than awarded in Honarium) or advisors to this or that (next time you're in Belfast or Manchester, use the public transport and road systems and find out for yourself. Or drive up the M6 in good ol' middle England).
I hope you noted how many toys in her collection have the word "honorary" prepended. This has nothing to do with her benefit, but a lot more to do with the awarding Institution's "honour". They are not earned, by any means I personally understand in terms of academic achievement ("Sick and tired of your job? Not getting on? Wish you had that degree certificate your neighbour has? We have them for $5.95 from Certifiable Academic Institutions - get one TODAY and take the first step into a new world!") Provost? Look it up in a dictionary. Responsibility is somewhat different to the practise of the job. Member of the board? Translation: rubber-stamping Yes-(wo)man.
This type of "look what I can do" CV means effectively, nothing.
So this is all flim-flam: Brad, I am surprised at you for pitching this up, and I am even more surprised that you have popped up the word "Liberal" in the way that so many of your countrymen do - as a kind of insult with the same intent behind it as Oedipus does in American society. Why did you need to do this? You have just gone down a long way in my estimation. The extreme conservatism of American Politics that has generated antipathy in this form is verging on a form of Fascism that no-one with the US seems to recognise or kick against, and has caused two major wars.
All that being said, she is a liar, a muppet, is being used as the fall guy by her own governement - and she's letting them do it to her! And you lot voted for these pillocks. Good luck, mate - just don't take the rest of us with you