Could you do me a favor and edit this to read "And yet some liberals insist on calling her an 'Aunt Jamima' and some other liberals who call her a 'mildly smart, but idiotic, automaton.' " Thanks. Appreciate it.
Fair enough. If you want me to edit it, I will. I'm just not sure if you're really asking me to or just making a point, but point taken.
My submission was a debating point and part of me has to admire your gumption in taking up the argument for the losing team.
Losing team? If your referring to the impeding "ganging up on" that I'm about to endure (it hasn't kicked in yet, your posts are still under 2,000 words
) you may have a point there. I'm sure once Bitt gets wind of this, it'll be impossible for me to physically have the time to reply to everything! But if you mean losing side of the issue, I disagree.
I mean teaching, books, piano playing, and getting an oil tanker named after you?
Oil tanker?? Aw man, you just gave away your source... that parody George W. Bush resume right? I came across that this morning while looking for a quote for my post.
Anyway, thanks for the clarification of you post. As Napolean Dynamite would say, she has a great "skill set". I think it's unrealistic to ask for accomplishments on the world stage as a prerequisite for service as head of the State Department. Heck, Colin Powell was a war leader prior to her appointment - hardly a diplomatic post! That's like an astronaut not getting hired because he hasn't been to space before. The role of the National Security Advisor (technically, the position is called: Assistant to Pres, National Security Affairs) is a high profile but pretty limited job. The job is to basically co-ordinate intelligence information and advise the President. Her job is rarely to "carry out policy" or "force her will on the Executive Branch."
Boy, amd I glad I don't care about this stuff anymore.
It doesn't show.
EDITTED FOR TYPO - thanks db 
Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (27/01/2005 15:14)
Brad B.