Rereading my original post, I was more abrasive than I remember being. I thought I just pasted a bio of Condeleezza Rice, but it looks like I also tossed a jab or insult in there as well. The fact is, I guess I'm still stinging from another thread from months back. I honestly came in here looking for a fun debate but it looks like everything got off to a bad start and I never hesitated to continue running it into the ground.
This BBS has been my online home for almost 6 years now and I don't want to screw that up over this. I am more than happy to agree to disagree but I don't like to agree to disrespect.
I'm not going to continue w. this thread anymore, but where I think specific replies are needed:
DRAK: You have mail.
schofiel :
Thereby implying that all Europeans are nuts who think the world is run by Jewish bankers.
It sure reads that way doesn't it? I'm sorry. I in no way think that's the case. I even had to reread my posts to make sure I had writen it. It was my whole "there is more violence against Jews in Europe than the USA" thing, but whether it's true or not doesn't matter and it made no sense for me to bring it up. I made the mistake of waiting a day before I read the replies. Then I'd panic and think "Aw man, I have to hurry and reply to 9 replies to me!" Next time, I'll read then wait a day. 
Well, crap, this is going to take all night and only add 3 more pages if I go one by one... so I'll be brief.
Jim: Before I emailed Tom, I reread my initial post and I had this sinking feeling once I realized how I tossed the jab in there (which wasn't directly aimed at you, but it was overly aggressive). I didn't realize I started off like a troll that way. Would you believe that d33yz stole my login info? Probably not. I'd like to apologize. Regarding your points about Rice, I agree with you on some points, disagree with you on others, but in general can see where you're coming from and share some of your frustrations regarding the war and the general state of pre and post war intelligence.
Webroach: Yeah this whole thing sucks. I was being just as rude as I accused you of being. Being in a defensive mood, I read "descent" in a totally sarcastic way. Most of what I've writen above applies to you too.