Nice pics with Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Thabo Mbeki Olusegun Obasanjo and the ever-present Bono in a group session. Where is Bush? Where is Rice? Ahh, yes, back home making speeches about "liberty throughout the world"...
Speaking of Gates: an artice in The Economist sent me to his foundation pages. Wow! Billions he spends on global health programs (e.g. malaria vaccine research) are well publicised, but it makes barely 20% of what is spent to at least partialy reverse effects of Bush government's efforts to destroy public education, social services etc. So, now I pay Microsoft tax so that American Pacific NW homeless have a shot at standing on they own feet!
Talk about global solidarity!
That inaugural speech you refered to deserves a separate thread.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
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