“capitalistic raping of forests, sea turtles and natural resource.”
I find that tree-hugging rhetoric about 'raping Mother Earth' silly and conter-productive. Humans are, after all, animals like any other and are expected to make most of environment for their own good.
That's exactly why clear cutting the forests, squandering precious petrochemical raw material in monster trucks and spewing enourmous amounts of greenhouse gases is somewhe between merely idiotic and criminal.
I also need to kick my dog, finish my fourth beer and beat my wife and kids.
You mean fourth six-pack? Even my nephew can take four beers! 
The problem is that the gang currently at the helm of the USA and their supporters are not (only) stereotypical redneck barbarians, but seemingly refined people like Dr. Rice...
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
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