"only a Sith thinks in absolutes"
Best line in the movie. I think I laughed out loud!

Really I thought it was a great movie. Of course, I enjoyed the first two as well (though this was the best, by far, of the three). I suppose I'm just easy to please, but these movies has some neat lightsabor fights, cool SFX, and a lot of other surface level fun stuff.

Were they as good/fun as the origionals? Not even close. By comparison they are labored and clunky- taking themselves a little to seriously. The origionals dealt with relitively simple themes- rescue the girl, rogue becomes a hero, boy becomes a man, good overcomes evil. Anakins decent is a lot more subtle than all of that, as is the polotical manuvering of the emporer. Lucas definitely handles the simple themes better, and the simple themes are really more fun. They require less exposition and more room for running around and shooting at stuff.

The origionals were classics, and I'm proud to have them in my collection. The new ones were good enough science fantasy that I'll watch them again.

And whoever said you can't feel Padme and Anikin's relationship was right on the money. My wife's comment on that was "well that's what love looks like from a selfish person" meaning Anikin. That's actually not a bad point, as Anikin's love for Padme does seem to be more about himself and what he can control than her. Maybe it's SUPPOSED to be wooden. Still not as fun to watch, though.

I also thought Anakins fall into the dark side was pretty well done, though not brilliant. I understood it intellectually, but I never really felt it.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.