Yoda felt less like a flea on crack in this movie, but his lightsaber battles still felt wrong. I finally figured out a way to put it: Yoda and the Emperor are both too powerful in the ways of the force to use something as gauche as a lightsaber. How much more interesting were the fight scenes featuring either of them when they put down their lightsabers? Or the way Yoda dealt with the guards?

Ok, I'm showing some very geeky parts here, but oh well.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
This is why the light side has very little in the way of attack powers. In a fight, Yoda really wouldn't have much to draw from to use, especially nothing in the tradition of the movie (ie special effects heavy). Force lightning cannot be used by a Jedi ever.

I'm just going off what I know of from the rules out of the roleplaying book. I'm more interested in the Star Wars universe outside the movies, and the roleplaying books are a great way to explore it.