Unless someone has been living under a rock (for a very long time), they've known Travolta, his wife kelly Preston and Tom Cruise were/are $cientologists. I'm thinking most people (who know anything at all about these actors) would have known for 10 years at the very least. Joe Sixpack more than anyone would know. Certainly before the typical cybergeek, as Mrs. Sixpack reads The Sun, The Globe, People, Us and all the other rags that have likely mentioned this in the past. What they may not have known (what I didn't know until recently) was that Nicole Kidman never joined the the Co$ while with Cruise.
Come on, there were even protests in Germany and Greece surrounding Cruise movie premieres back in the day because of Co$. Does Germany still not recognise Co$ as a religion? If so, good for them!
I'm not hearing as much about Co$ right now as I remember hearing during the early 90's.
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