Speaking as an owner of both a Mk1 & Mk2 empeg, and having been on the mailing list for what must be approaching two and a half years, I am perfectly happy with the way the company has treated me, both in terms of the hardware and the software. Sure I'd like the VR & tuner yesterday, but I work as a computer programmer, so I suppose I have first hand experience of deadlines and how they slip... I have the Mk1 in the car and am waiting for the tuner before replacing it with the Mk2, purely from the point of view of the installation (BMW dashes are notoriously difficult to get behind, and I don't want to do it more often than necessary - or to be more precise, I don't want to have to PAY someone to do it more than necessary!!)
I'm waiting for v1.1 of the software too, but again, I have no complaints (aside from not being on the alpha testers list

) and I am more than happy that I have been able to in some way influence the features added to previous releases through this BBS.
From Rob's posts in the past, it seems clear that the SonicBlue deal will mean I get my tuner sooner than if the deal hadn't taken place, so again, I am happy.... impatient, but happy
Most of the people I work with treat me as if I'm mad for buying TWO in car MP3 players, when I only have one car... but it's pretty clear that they are impressed with the thing, even though I think they are a long way short of 'getting it'
(The tuner is handy for listening to the news first thing in the morning, just so I keep marginally in touch with the 'real world' - for what it's worth!!)
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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...