So, they announced the 5G iPod (less than 15 minutes ago). Basically it's thinner, which is nice, and has a bigger screen, which is nice. It also has video capabilities, which could have been implemented in the first iPod with a color screen, but oh well. I'm a little annoyed that Steve has always claimed that people don't want video on a portable screen (like he knows what I want), and now they'll make a fortune off of it, but I'm sure they'll do it pretty well, so I suppose it's okay.

Here's what Engadget has so far (check out their site for the live coverage):
The device will feature a 2.5-inch display, QVGA resolution (320 x 240), and will MPEG-4 h.264 (natch), and presumably Quicktime.

The new iPod will be 30% thinner than the current 20GB iPod (making it 0.44-inches thick—say wha?), and will feature a 60GB version (which should be thinner than the current 0.63-inch thick 20GB iPod), and editions of both in black.

The 20GB should go for $299, and the 60GB for $399. They’ll be shipping next week.

What’s the device named, you ask? The iPod. That’s it, just The iPod. Well spare you the Prince jokes. The iPod will have TV out.

Stevie has iTunes 6.0 up there—only about a month after introducing iTunes 5.0.

iTunes 6.0 will also feature video and the iTunes Music Store will feature Fairplay DRMed video downloads (big surprise, right?).

At launch over 2,000 music videos will be made available at a cost of $1.99 apiece. You can download iTunes 6.0 starting today.

Oh, and one more thing…

It’s not only music videos you can buy. No, Apple’s set up to allow you to purchase TV shows for $1.99 apiece. Get Desperate Housewives or four other ABC shows premiering on iTunes at two bucks an ep. Videos are native QVGA resolution.

Very interesting. I'm still not buying one, even though it's darn close to my ideal device, but I'll definitely be recommending it to my father. The TV shows part intrigues me as well. That will be very interesting.


It's on Apple's site now.

Edited by Dignan (12/10/2005 16:24)