IMHO, 2.5" is too small for video. Sure it'll play and look nice but that is just not big enough, even for a ride on the train or in between classes. Now that I'm used to the PSP sized screen, I don't think I could go any smaller for a portable device (for video).
Well, yeah, the screen is smaller than the PSPs, but you're talking apples<->oranges. My girlfriend, for instance, adores her GMini400 which has ~2.1" screen. No, she doesn't watch movies on it, but she does watch the occasional Aqua Teen Hunger Force or other short video. But that's what she wanted it for - the ride on the subway like you mentioned. The advantage to these devices over the PSP is that she can just take the device and headphones, whereas you have to have the [larger] device, UMDs, and memory sticks (which also mean more cost). That said, I think we'd both be happier if they had released this one.
There are definitely people for the small screens, as Steve is about to figure out. I'm not defending the iPod specifically, just the idea which was opposed by Jobs for so long until now 
I must admit, for the better part of the day, I was sold. I was already planning on buying myself a 60GB black 5G iPod. Then I came to my senses, remembered how I dislike iPods for reasons that they'll never change, and went back to planning on picking up one of these babies. While Archos doesn't make things as slick as Apple, they innovate FAR more in this category.