The 5g iPod is a worthy successor but I'm totally disappointed with the other announcements. I don't get the point of an iMac with a couch interface. Most people have much bigger TV's with home theater systems. Hasn't Jobs always said that the computer doesn't belong in the living room?

Much more appealing to me would be a Mac mini like device with a TV output and interface and/or an Airport Express with video. But how many people outside of college students are going to use a 17 or 20 inch screen as their main TV?

And the video/TV downloads are 320x240! Come on. Why would I pay $1.99 to download a postage stamp size version of a show to watch on a tiny screen when I can record the HD (1280x720) version and watch on my big TV?

This is a half baked release. I guess they are dipping their toes in the water but I don't see much of a market for today's announcements (except the iPod of course).

Edited by Dylan (12/10/2005 17:14)