The RIAA has been going after anyone these days under the pretense that sharing is the big part of the "crime".
Even if there's no intent or knowledge? If a kid steals a car, wardrives and downloads some music illegally, can they sue the owner of the car too? That's just insane.
I hadn't though of the "neighbor" scenerio. That is something that I'll mention to her. I still don't think it's the drive by, because we're talking a couple thousand songs that they insest was in a shared folder on her system at a single point in time (though of course, via wi-fi "her system" could have been someone elses system), and I just don't see someone driving by, taking the time to download thousands of songs. That'd be an awful lot of sitting very conspicously in a car.
UNLESS, they'd already downloaded the majority of those songs, and just did a few more on her system. But at that point they'd be making the whole ball of wax available over her account. In fact, that'd explain things rather nicely . . . unfortunatly. 
In fact, that theory is beginning to sound more likely to me the more I think about it.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.