Your description of the problem confused me a little bit. Let me see if I understand it...

You're streaming songs from Displayserver across the network into WinAmp on your PC. At home it works fine, but at work, the data stream sometimes locks up, requiring a cold boot of the empeg before any TCP communication (either Emplode or Displayserver) will work properly again? Is that the problem?

First of all, how sure are you that it works OK at home but not at work? I seem to remember Frank saying that displayserver (in its current version) might have a memory leak. If it's sending songs across the network, it might take large quantities before you noticed a problem. Maybe you don't listen to enough songs at home to make it happen? I don't usually stream from displayserver, but I'm trying it now using Win2k and Winamp on my work computer and it's going OK so far.

If you're sure it only happens at work, my first shot-in-the-dark guess is that it would be somehow related to the increased traffic on your work LAN. Displayserver and/or the empeg's TCP software might be responding to more requests on your work LAN than they would on your home LAN. As I understand the way these thing works, even if the requests weren't intended for the empeg, its software still has to process them in a limited way. Perhaps Displayserver can't handle that on a busy lan with a lot of broadcast tracffic? Frank, do you have any insights?

In any case, the differences between win98 and win2000 shouldn't have anything to do with it, assuming I understand the problem correctly.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris