I picked up an Xbox 360 last Friday. With Gears of War out, I couldn't resist any more.
I got: Gears of War, Call of Duty 2 (was a freebie at the store that day), Elder Scrolls Oblivion, and a used copy of Halo2 for the original Xbox. My Live Gamertag is MunkyBrains if you wanna friend me. (Monkey Brains was already taken.

Now I'm wondering what games I can get for the thing that would be good 2-player games for me and my GF to make use of the second controller I got. Doesn't seem to be much in the catalog along those lines. (Other than sports and racing, which aren't really her style.) Fantasy and adventure are OK, she likes watching me play Oblivion while she pokes at her laptop.
I suppose that if I really wanted those kinds of games, I would get myself another Gamecube and be done with it. Tons of party games for that console. Anyhoo. Until I do that, any suggestions in the meantime? Original Xbox games count, too, as long as they're compatible on the 360.
By the way, Guitar Hero 2, when it comes out for the 360 soon, is on the short list already.