At my IT position, I recently announced that I would not be upgrading to Vista or Office 2007, at least not until their first service packs. By then, I hope they've fixed issues discovered by early adopters and allowed users (and MVPS) to post answers to common questions on Usenet. I'm not trusting the throughput of my workplace on such unproven technology.

Office 2007, though, will be worthwhile once the new UI is mastered. Their Groove collaboration software is very good. I've been using it (pre-MS-acquisition) since 2002 and this tight integration with Office could (should) change workflow in every organization.

he first new version of the Start menu that I like better than the classic one from Win95

I'll take that as a strong recommendation, Tony. I'm die hard Win95 Start Menu, but it's just not efficient enough for users I support.

Good point on Vista having to compete with XP. It's going to be a hard sell to me.
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