Thanks for your help.

Q) Was that with the same computer hooked up to the old satellite system, or just via dialup?

A) It worked intermittently when I had an old satellite modem. This modem connected to my PC via a USB connection. Not Ethernet like now. I upgraded so that I could take advantage of a faster upload speed. VPN was using the lower upload speed as the max two-way connection speed. This slowed me down a lot.

Q) What is the IP address you use to connect to the Satellite modem

A) Here’s my ipconfig for that connection. The PC also has a Token Ring card connected to another old PC and another Ethernet port not used at the moment. I also have another PC on the below Ethernet network. That’s why its bridged.

Ethernet adapter Network Bridge (Network Bridge) 3:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Q) When you say your VPN client gets to the "signon screen", do you mean it gets to the point where it asks for a username and password?

A) Yes, I get to the sign on screen and enter my ID and password. Then I get no farther.

Q) There will be a hostname or IP address in the "Host" field. (This might actually be shown in the main window.) Open a command prompt and see if you can ping that computer

a) Yes, pings fine