source to the empeg backup?
Source is nothing special; about 100 lines of code. I used Delphi 4, which has standard internet components. I downloaded a CSV-component from
The program justs iterates the CSV-file and downloads every file found using the HTTP-component. you can download a specific file by looking up it's FID in the CSV file and send a HTTP-request to displayserver : http://empeg/ttt.mp3?file=FID. The requested file file will be streamed back.
When 2.0 is finished, it will probably have a way to restore too, so the app is going to change. This was just a fast way to let people backup their empeg. I liked the stats about the network.
I like stats...

write up some scripts to backup the playlist partition
Have you tried ynot's perl-script? Maybe you could combine it with the CSV to do selective backups.
I like perl...

BTW: Does anyone by chance have a small standalone perl-executable for empeg? I've tried crosscompiling without result.

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel