I was paying $125 a MONTH for cable and internet access, including the DVR that was supplied by Comcast. They pissed me off so much that I cancelled the whole shebang and plunged myself into this mess just because I hated dealing with them so much. That's a lot of money a month - on par with a lot of my other utility bills. Sorry for the rant, I just can't believe that there isn't enough of a consumer market for good alternatives to Cable or Sat.

I am literally in the exact same situation except with Cox instead of Comcast. I'm paying about $130 a month for cable and TV and that to me seems like a rip off. I'm paying all these extra fees basically so I can have my local channels in HD and still get Discovery, History and the Military Channel. My problem however is that South Orange County does NOT get good coverage and I can't really mount an antennae on my roof as I live in apartments.

I dunno if you've used this website yet but it is pretty helpful. According to them, from where I live, I need a "Medium Directional Antenna with Preamp" to get the big networks. I'm damn near 50 miles away from the towers!