Well, it was definitely worth trying, but Suse/Redhat just don't get it yet when it comes to making things usable. So since Suse failed, the best bet is to try Ubuntu. Which is spelt with a leading K if you want the KDE version by default rather than Gnome. So Kubuntu, then.
Ok, so it looks this really is the best option then, especially for newbies. Would it be best to immediately install Kubuntu, or would installingt the regular Ubuntu distro, and after that running the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop command be a better option? (or is this exactly the same in the end?)
That, is where they differ. (K)Ubuntu use *themselves* for the live installer, rather than a special "installation distro" that isn't 100% the same as the one they're actually installing for use later. That's a huge reason for the popularity of (K)Ubunutu nowadays -- if the install CD boots, then you *really *are* *running* the final distro, so one can then click on the "install" icon with confidence.
Ah, ok, understood.

Thanks for the info, and I'll let you know how I get on. (even if I'll probably have to wait a couple of more weeks to be able to download it due to the DL ratios. Or maybe I can go up to my parents' house and do the downloading there, that's another option)