Originally Posted By: DWallach
Anybody with an Apple TV care to try it with Apple Lossless audio?

I don't have one myself, but if nobody else chimes in I can check my folks' Apple TV and see if it works. It should, as it's listed on the Apple site.

I thought that Galleon might support Apple lossless, but it appears to only support mp3s.

It's funny, though. I'm very tempted to enter the walled garden. Believe me, there's plenty I don't like about Apple, but I would love to have an Apple TV of my own. I think that product is fantastic, and I felt that way before the new software upgrade*. I've tried several ways of showing photos to friends, and I've not come across a better way than the Apple TV (which is funny because I find it more of a half-assed function on the iTunes side of things).

*Jobs' keynote made it sound like the entire Apple TV interface was going to be redone. Heh. Really, they've just replaced the main menu with an overlay, moved things around, and added some ITMS features. Once you actually choose an area (like "My Music") it takes you to the exact same area as before. If anything, in featuring the iTunes store options, they've made it more of a pain to get to your own content, by placing it at the bottom of every menu.

I'd still love to have an Apple TV smile