<grin>Well, I'm glad it's working for you now

With the recent trend away from selling DRM music (but still not lossless) then I'm not sure what the future holds for Apple's Lossless format... do you think it's a good investment?
Personally, I use
FLAC & mp3 and SqueezeCenter as hybrid8 suggested.
I also think there is work happening on slimserver/Myth integration...
I know Myth is nothing like as sexy/integrated as AppleTV - but if you value freedom/control over style/ease-of-use then it's a interesting alternative. As with so many Linux activities it has a geeky element - but look at how the open aspect of our empegs is still developing and improving years after the company closed. Look at how the closed part isn't

Note that because SlimDevices made slimserver opensource I now run it on 2 Squeezeboxes and on a Rio Receiver thanks to