The MBA monitor is an amazing thing. I've got it side-by-side with my 23" Cinema HD display, and the MBA monitor is brighter and whiter (which is to say, traditional LCD monitors have something of a yellow cast to them that's completely fixed by the LED backlight). It's staggeringly pretty.

Meanwhile, in non-related news, remember the problems I was having with my MBA battery drain? When Apple replaced the battery, it didn't solve the problem at all. Now, Apple has now sent me a replacement machine. After much agony, I got everything migrated over, and I'll be shipping back the original.

Agony? I just wish Apple still had Firewire on the MBA. Restoring from a Time Machine share, over a network, seems to simply not work. The relevant button in the UI is greyed out and there's nothing you can do about (despite a thread that holds out false hope). The only working solution was to have the Time Machine USB hard drive and a USB optical drive hooked up at the same time via a USB hub.

Also, strangely, despite restoring the backup "correctly", a number of things weren't restored properly. The screen gamma was set to the default (1.8) rather than where I want it (2.2 -- the PC standard). Likewise, Time Machine is now backing up to a different file on my network server rather than the original file. I suppose I'll delete the old one once I'm confident the new one is stable. I'm still discovering bits and pieces that aren't quite right, but overall the migration wasn't as painful as, say, moving from one Windows box to another. That's pure hell.