Originally Posted By: Dignan
How easy is it to overclock the dual 2.8GHz quad-core Mac Pro?

Quite possibly impossible. These things have the 5000X workstation/server chipset in, not the 965 or other desktop chipsets. Intel's workstation chipsets aren't designed to make overclocking easy, because (with the questionable exception of the Mac Pro) the machines they go in are rarely bought by people interested in overclocking. You're best off just buying one that already goes as fast as you need. (Which might not be hard. Even my previous-generation Mac Pro, 1333FSB, 2x2-core, is hooning fast.)

Originally Posted By: drakino
The key thing to do is to make sure you try to do whatever tasks on OS X first, otherwise you are going to just run Windows on the machine and not bother migrating.

Which, depending on why you're making the switch in the first place, wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing: you'd still be using one of the best-engineered Windows workstations there is. I can't remember when I last booted mine into OS X (from Linux), but it could easily be a year ago.
