Originally Posted By: tfabris
I'm considering picking up a Harmony One remote some time in the near future.

The very existence of such products is evidence that the consumer electronics industry is a bag of fail.

Imagine if your PC needed different keyboards for running Word, Excel, Firefox, and Powerpoint. And third-party companies made good money selling "universal keyboards" where "all" you have to do is tell it what versions of Word, Excel, Firefox, and Powerpoint you use, and it can then operate each of them in a unified but relatively clunky way. You'd correctly conclude that the entire Windows software industry was smoking crack, that they were all muppets, that they were out of their frickin' trees.

Yet for some reason, while we wouldn't put up with that sort of misdesigned piffle complicating our working lives, we accept it in our living room getting in-between us and our entertainment. Why?
