I'd hate to argue with rob, but I _love_ my TiVo. and from what I've seen in stores, replay didn't seem all that cool. but I look at it this way..

Cisco systems had no wireless gear, so they bought Aironet.. now Aironet itself was not that great a wireless company, (they were on the bottom of the list for 802.11 gear) but cisco added a lot of good stuff to their gear, and now have a decent product. I still don't think the cisco stuff is as good as the lucent gear.. but time will tell.

SonicBlue could do the same for replay.. take an existing tech, and improve it to the point of being worth something.

I hope they do well, I want to see a software feature fight between them and TiVo :) yay for compeitition!

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
80gig red mk2 -- 080000125
(No, I don't actually hate Alan Cox)