Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I have a Pioneer-branded TiVo, not sure what series but it is single tuner and not HD, that SWMBO bought used at a pretty reasonable price. She bought it because it had a lifetime subscription, and also a built-in DVD player/recorder. It is exhibiting the symptoms you describe: random reboots and lockups. It is most likely to reboot or lock up when playing back a previous recording at the same time it is recording a new one. I always make sure that I have it paused in playback mode before turning it off and this helps, but I still average one or two reboots/lockups per day.

There is no external hard drive on this TiVo, but could my trouble be caused by an internal hard drive problem? And if so, just how daunting a task is it to replace the hard drive? I think it is a pretty small hard drive, it only holds 30 hours at the next-to-best recording quality.


I would say that the trouble your having is a hard drive problem. Replacing the internal drive is simple. Here is an older FAQ more relivant to your TiVo but I would use the newer WinMFS tool to copy your current drive to the replacement drive. If you don't have a SATA/IDE to USB adapter get one in will make all of this even easier.

After reading a bit more the it seems you might have a locked drive and would need to use the MFSLive CD to run diskutil -u 2 on the drive. I don't know if the MFSLive CD has USB drive support, this will require to open your PC and connect the drive via the ide cable.

Also when using WinMFS if you plan on expanding the drive space you might need to enable the MfsSuperSize option as the size of your drive might also be locked.

Edited by Attack (24/06/2009 01:35)