Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I find that the lighted buttons wear out the batteries too fast...

I really meant to mention that in my post. That is the only negative to the "glow" remote. I find I have to replace the AAA's about every few months, which is a lot for a remote.

Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: Dignan
Were you getting incomplete and/or garbled recordings?

Yes... and no. The big problem is random reboots in the middle of recording or playback, most frequently when watching a previously recorded program at the same time as recording another. Sometimes it will reboot while recording when I am not otherwise using it, this shows up as a single program split into two sessions with eight minutes of programming missing at the time of the split. Other times (less frequently) the picture will just freeze, all controls unresponsive, and my only choice is to pull the power and force a reboot. Still other times (even less frequently) the entire TV screen turns into a garbled green pattern of tight zig-zags and then freezes, again forcing a power-off reboot.

I am almost positive that it's a bad hard disk. Those last two symptoms I am very familiar with smile