Originally Posted By: Dignan
The classic site IMO is Weaknees, which will sell you a drive kit specifically designed for your model, and give you everything you need to do the swap, right down the the Torx keys.

You're my hero!

Products ordered:
SKU: rs300pio8
Product: Pioneer 810H TiVo Upgrade Kit: Replace with one 320gb hard drive
Quantity: 1
Item price: $ 139.00

This quadruples my recording time from 90 hours (at base rate) to 350 hours; at the quality level I record at I should get about 120 hours, far more than I will ever need. More importantly, it should fix the reboot/lockup problem, but no guarantees. About 80% likelihood is my guess.

Thank you for that link.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"