Linux users just download their upgrades for free, and OS X users just hand over $29 or $49 for a family pack to upgrade. Microsoft? I can't even summarize quickly with all the various editions, upgrade paths, and discounts.
I think you're overcomplicating it a tiny bit, but I agree it's not as good as those other two situations.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Suckering people in with 50% discounts on upgrades before the OS is even final." I'm using the OS right now and it's final enough for me! And I don't mind paying for the upgrade now because I know I want it anyway. I can't tell you how much more pleased I am with 7 than I am with Vista, and I'm currently running XP on all the computers here, so it'll be an even bigger jump.
In summary: I'm happy. Let me be happy