Can you even create a new Folder in Explorer without the mouse? That one used to bug the hell out of me.
It's on the File menu. (Explorer has a menu just like everything else.)
One of my favorite additions in Windows 7:
Great shortcut.
So, I think I might just start recommending Linux only for new non computer savvy users. They seem be to taking to it naturally, so why not encourage it.

Because you'll need to offer 100% of the technical support.
As opposed to what percentage if you issue them with Windows or MacOS machines?

The percentage left after the person searches a web full of Windows users, contacts Geek Squad (or me, hopefully), IT people at work, etc. I know it's self-fulfilling to say that everyone uses Windows, so people shouldn't try out a less-used OS, but it's true right now. And I repeat my earlier comment about finding little help online when I was trying to use Linux.