Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'm not sure what you mean by "Suckering people in with 50% discounts on upgrades before the OS is even final." I'm using the OS right now and it's final enough for me! And I don't mind paying for the upgrade now because I know I want it anyway.

It's a good deal for people like yourself who already know they want to upgrade and aren't having compatibility problems. But for people like myself, it sucks. Windows 7 definitely isn't final yet, and it has shown me problems that I don't get in Vista. The most humorous one is that a Microsoft developed and published game that required Vista is failing to run properly in 7. So do I shell out $100 now to upgrade, and risk not knowing if these problems will be fixed? Or do I hold off, and wait till it ships and pay $200 to upgrade?

Overall, the tactic is pushing me farther away from Microsoft. And thats not what they should be doing right now. All it does in reinforce my image of the company being so greedy and monopolistic that they are willing to force their user base to pay a large sum of money to get away from the worst OS they have shipped. Even Apple knew better then to charge users for 10.1 after 10.0 would up being a dud.

If your happy with the situation, then thats great. There are still plenty of us out here being burned by Microsoft on a daily basis, and so we hold quite the grudge against them. As much as I would love to go 100% away from Microsoft, their monopoly has ensured that I'd have to leave my industry to do so. I want Microsoft to either do better, or just die off. And sadly it looks like neither of those two possibilities are likely to happen anytime soon.