Originally Posted By: tahir
Originally Posted By: msaeger
Originally Posted By: Dignan

What I've heard is that 7 might not even need an installed OS, it just needs for you to put in the old discs at the time of install to verify that you have them. That's why I need the lost disc, and I can't figure out how to replace it.

Isn't that how xp and 2k did it ? I remember having to do that with either xp or 2k when doing a new install.

Yup, re-installed XP SP3 upgrade on a machine yesterday, needed to insert the Win2K disk to complete install.

Ooo...can either of you verify that the same disc could be used on two upgrade discs? Because that would make this so much simpler! The one truly official disc I have is that XP 64 disc, unfortunately.