Originally Posted By: hybrid8
...I also think the app store (not the apps) really sucks (bad UI, hard to find anything, the way apps get promoted and ranked, etc..)

I'm still waiting for any of these companies with an app store (Apple, Google, RIM, etc) to finally wake up and realize this. Sorry, I have to get a little off topic here for a rant:

When I first got the G1, I probably did what a lot of people did, which was check every day to find out if there were any cool new apps. I was religious about it, and I was fully aware of every single app available for the phone. Even doing this was difficult, as I'd basically have to sort the apps by release, and remember on my own which was the last one I saw.

But after about three months, I have totally stopped caring. It is virtually impossible to find anything good in that mess. Every time I look now, all I see are fart apps (the cliche is completely true), soundboards, and other apps that are just garbage. I know there are good apps out there, but I have to read about them on my desktop PC first, and then go to my phone to download them. That's a step backwards.

I'm waiting for Google to realize that having only two methods to make things "easier" to find [categories, and sorting by date or popularity] is simply not enough.

*end rant*