Originally Posted By: Dignan

No, I don't mean that there was only one moment in the show that had music, I mean that they used one snippet of a song repeatedly, about 12 times, throughout the entire show.

That's *hilarious*, because this weekend, while I was swapping hard drives in my empeg, my wife was watching that episode, or at least, I assume it's the same one -- the one where the mom and daughter switch bodies -- real original plot, there, guys!

Anyway, I"m sitting there working on my empeg, and the show is in the background, and I'm about ready to throw my screwdriver through the television because of that annoying goddamn song -- or, as you said, that same annoying ten seconds of that song.

I can't think of a show on TV I hate more than Medium. I think I'd rather watch Dancing with the Stars.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff