I liked Dollhouse from the get-go. Like I said before, I don't know if my expectations were lower than everybody else's, but I thought it was entertaining right from the start.

I saw that episode of Top Gear last night. I caught about the last 15 mins of it (the Lambo standing mile faceoff) and it reaired right after, so I watched just long enough to see the AH-1 vs Viper. That segment was great, and it had some pretty humorous bits in it ("Well don't just sit here, GO!"). Even though it was obvious the pilots were playing with the hosts, it was still pretty awesome to watch. For the most part, I couldn't stand the hosts though. The BBC version (what few episodes I've seen), the audience seems pretty engaged and the laughter is genuine. I didn't get that feeling at all from the American version.

I'm glad Human Target is back. Now my DVR record list includes two regular shows on top of hockey.