The Epitaph episodes justified the series, IMO, though the rest of it was pretty good too. The first Epitaph was a low budget way to complete a contract obligation, and I'm so glad it worked out because it was just amazing. They did have problems making season two line up with it (since they wrote it believing they were canceled), but they made 90% of it work.

The end of season two really played out at warp speed as they wrapped up all the loose ends, making it satisfying and exciting, but at times it was easy to remember you were watching a TV show just because it was all happening so quickly. That is my one fear for Fring if they have to wrap things up now.

I think my favorite non-Epitaph moment was the end of the attic episode, in which the final scene re-framed the entire context of the episode. It's not very often that I am completly blindsided by a character's motivations, but that was certainly one example.

Topher's last scene was very powerful, and his story really gave the series an abov average ending.

I agree about Victor. That actor was amazing and stole a lot of scenes. Has he been in anything else of note? I guess I should check imdb.

Between Topher, Victor, and Sierra, I think I ended up caring a lot more about secondary characters than Echo and Paul. In retrospect, this is probably a good thing.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.