Pretty sure The Good Guys is toast- it has not performed well at all. At least I'm not the only one who enjoys it

What I would be interested to know is how much DVD sales affect a show like Fringe. I know Fox won't directly benefit, but the company creating Fringe might be able to sell it to Fox cheaper if they anticipate high DVD sales (though I think that may have been the rationale for keeping Dollhouse around for a second season, which was so bizarre it caught Whedon by surprise).
The whole model is just crazy, though. With only live tv really being worth anything, it seems the more intelligent shows like Fringe are going to be hard to make work. We end up with pretty much reality tv and crime drama, because that's the stuff people can easily jump into and want to watch live. I hope the model changes at some point, because the Neilson system just doesn't feel like to fits anymore, with DVRs and Internet viewing in the mix.