So Cris, you're pretty much, saying what I've already said.

I don't have any first-hand experience with any modern studio lighting, so I can't make brand recommendations, but I'd still recommend a few speedlights in addition to studio strobes. They're not terribly expensive (in the grand scheme of things) and have tremendous utility.
And BTW, neither of those shots are wedding shots.
I don't know if I'd ever risk touching PocketWizard's new stuff. They seem completely outclassed by Radio Popper stuff in the past few years. The whole TTL product release was a complete shambles first for the Canon and then the eternity of waiting for the Nikon kit that was supposed to come out "next month." So Canon users can now put a sock on their speedlights and cross their fingers that the triggering will work, and Nikon users can keep on waiting like they have for well over a year already (it was due Q2 2009).
Honestly, (personally) I'd probably go with RP JrX with speedlights that support quench to allow manual remote control from the RP mounted on the camera. For TTL and compatibility with what the manufacturer already offers, I'd probably stay with RP as well (PX system), since their stuff seems to have already proven itself. For complete manual use and an easy no-brainer setup once you've got enough experience with the product, I'd probably go with a set of older PocketWizards - and I'd buy them used.