I'm confused.

The fact that Squeezecast keeps running in the background is a feature. It is supposed to do that so you can keep playing music while doing other things.

Apps that are registered as media players get to continue running in the background.

Or are you saying that you stop the music in Squeezecast and it keeps burning lots of CPU.

You didn't answer my question, does the iOS task bar manage to kill Squeezecast or not ?

P.S. I'm not claiming that the whole multi-tasking bar is the idea solution to how a phone multi-tasking bar UI should work, it just about gets the job done, but it is clearly a v1.0 feature

My iPhone has started using unusual amounts of charge in the last few days, need to work out what is draining it. Might not be third party app multi tasking at fault, I had it in the past at one point with 3.1.1
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday