One of our TA's has this and he loves it. He spends most of our meetings playing "Fruit Ninja".
I really wish I could understand the appeal of that game. I find it extraordinarily dull. It's essentially a single game mechanic.
Not that Angry Birds is the deepest gaming experience I've ever had, but at least there's some variety.
the speed benefits of Froyo, which are actually quite substantial.
A friend of mine has a Droid: the original. It was updated to Froyo ages ago, but he commented that he didn't see much of a performance benefit.
Turns out that not all Froyo builds got the JIT that we got with our Nexus Ones. I don't know why. Maybe CPU architecture? Anyway, the Droid didn't get it. There's, unfortunately, no reason to expect that other Froyo builds did. I mean, I'm sure some did, maybe even most, but definitely not all.
Wow, that's troubling. That might actually be the first thing I've heard that genuinely sells me the problem of fragmentation. I didn't consider it an issue before, but if this is true, that's a huge problem. The JIT was an astonishing improvement, IMO, and it worries me that not all phones with Froyo are getting it!

Man, sorry, Tom. I really do want to hear about and discuss your Windows Phone 7 experience. Perhaps if you share some early thoughts?